




Florence Jung

Exhibition   March 15, 2025 – March 15, 2026

Opening: 15.03.2025, 14:00

What does it mean to turn 30, on both a personal and institutional level? Which decisions have shaped the past three decades? And what happens between A and B?

Florence Jung approaches the Kunstverein as if it were an organism undergoing a process of aging that is marked by various upheavals and turning points. On the occasion of the 30th anniversary of the Halle für Kunst Lüneburg e.V., she has developed three scenarios playing with different temporalities and modes of visibility. What they have in common is that they confront visitors with decisions whose consequences unfold in the here and now, over a period of twelve months, or even across the next thirty years.

In her artistic practice, Jung sketches out performative-participatory scenarios that only materialise in interaction with visitors and co-workers and through their integration into institutional structures. She consciously transcends the spatial and temporal boundaries of an exhibition and merges cultural and everyday spheres. In this way, Jung induces a heightened state of awareness in visitors, seizing on moments of uncertainty to sensitise them to their own perception of reality. The scenarios constructed by the artist are not documented, but only conveyed through the accounts and recollections of their participants. The circulation of rumours and almost mythical stories is a genuine component of her work.

Design: current matters

Florence Jung's project will unfold over the course of twelve months, parallel to the exhibition programme. One scenario is continuously visible in the courtyard, whereas the other scenarios are accessible during the regular opening hours of the exhibitions. 

The annual programme at Halle für Kunst Lüneburg e.V. is funded by the Ministry for Science and Culture of Lower Saxony, Lüneburgischer Landschaftsverband, and Hansestadt Lüneburg. The exhibition is supported by the Swiss Arts Council Pro Helvetia.
