Martin Soto Climent
The Invisible Thread – Performance
"Martin Soto Climent has no home. Walks following the whisper of his shadow. Weaving stories with no beginning and no end.
Drawing a line of thoughts between the street and the galleries, the museums, or the kunsthalles. Every idea is a gesture and all what he does can easily disappear one day, flowing away like an invisible thread."
Arbeiten und Performances von Martin Soto Climent (*1977, Mexico City) waren u.a. zu sehen in der Kunsthalle Winterthur (2012), Karma International, Zürich (2012), Kunstraum Innsbruck (2012), Sculptural Center, New York (2012), Johann Koenig, Berlin (2011), New Jersey Museum of Contemporary Art (2011), Migros Museum für Gegenwartskunst, Zürich (2010), Museum of Contemporary Art, Miami (2009), Michael Benevento, Los Angeles (2009), Nina Menocal Gallery, Mexico City (2008), Museo de Arte Carrillo Gil, Mexico City (2007), Broadway 1602, New York (2006).
Die Performance findet im Rahmen der Performancereihe "Exposures, Experiences, Experiments" statt (September bis Dezember 2012).
Großzügig gefördert durch das Land Niedersachsen, den Lüneburgischen Landschaftsverband, die Sparkassenstiftung Lüneburg, die Hansestadt Lüneburg und die Lüneburger Bürgerstiftung.