The Need to Document
Vít Havranánek
Sabine Schaschl-Cooper
Bettina Steinbrügge
Zbynek Baladrán
Christoph Behnke
Pascale Cassagnau
Søren Grammel
Marina Grzinik
Vít Havranánek
Dóra Hegyi
Raimundas Malasauskas
Dorit Margreiter
Gerald Raunig
Sabine Schaschl-Cooper
Georg Schöllhammer
Claudia Spinelli
Bettina Steinbrügge
Hito Steyerl
Attila Torday-S.
Jan Verwoert
Gerhard Zarbock
The book "The Need to Document" attempts to make out the backgrounds leading to the turn towards documentation, as well as the thematic focuses and concerns associated with this new documentary stance. The interests of these documentary working methods in art remain reflectively close to the inherent laws of all known documentary channels, but additionally assert their own special features and logic.
Published on the occasion of the exhibition »The Need to Document« at Kunsthaus Baselland
(March 19th – May 1st 2005)
and at Halle für Kunst eV
(April 3rd – May 29th, 2005)
German / English
ISBN: 3-905701-30-8
171 x 235 mm
275 pages
b/w illustrations
30,00 / 26,00 EUR

Tatort Kunstverein
Published by:
Bernd Milla
Heike Munder
Hildegund Amanshauser
Marius Babias
Christoph Behnke
Alice Creischer / Andreas Siekmann
Helmut Draxler
Wulf Herzogenrath
Nicola Kuhn
Bernd Milla
Heike Munder
Christian Nagel
Hans-Ulrich Obrist
Stefan Römer
Hedwig Saxenhuber
Nicolaus Schafhausen
Heiner Schepers
Bettina Sefkow
Barbara Steiner
Angelika Stepken
Susanne Titz
Jan Turowski
Publication on the occasion of the symposium „Tatort Kunstverein“ at Halle für Kunst Lüneburg e.V.
(September 10 - 11, 1999)
ISBN 3-933096-62-6
Softcover, 21 x 16,5 cm
144 pages
25,00 EUR