Edu Tool Box
Cross critique – towards a subjective university
Halle für Kunst eV
Head Genève
Critical Curatorial Cybermedia
Haute Ecole Spécialisée de Suisse occidentale
Alejandra Ballón,
Marie-Avril Berthet,
Diego Castro,
Sylvain Froidevaux,
Ulrike Gerhardt,
Katrin Glinka,
Julia Hahn & Benjamin Seibel,
Sascha Kagan,
Adrien Laubscher,
Dieter Lesage,
Geert Lovink und Ned Rossiter,
Luz Muñoz R,
Daniel Orthey,
Nathalia Rodriguez,
Gigi Roggero,
Stephanie Seidel,
Jan Sieber,
Bettina Steinbrügge,
Tilo Steireif
In the context of the exhibition and lecture series "Crosskick", initiated by the Working Group of German Arts Societies (ADKV), students from the postgraduate study program CCC "Critical Curatorial Cybermedia" of the Geneva University of Art and Design were invited by the Halle für Kunst e.V. in Lüneburg to work together with local students of Applied Cultural Sciences of Lüneburg University. Given both art departments' institution-critical teaching tradition it seemed appropriate to put the concept of institutional criticism on the agenda once more. Reflecting on their own conditions of production, the students decided to investigate the ongoing reforms of the educational system and the Bologna process, which led to questions of the economisation of universities and how the access to knowledge has and will change.
»CROSSKICK – Critiques Croisées« included an exhibition at Halle für Kunst eV (18 January – 4 March 2007), a workshop, diverse events and this publication addressed critical thinking in the frame of art practices.
Softcover, 145 x 200 mm
229 Seiten
free / shipping costs

Jeanne Faust
Sabine Gamper
Bettina Steinbrügge
Astrid Wege
Jeanne Faust
Hannes Loichinger
Bettina Steinbrügge
Astrid Wege
In this comprehensive monograph on the artist Jeanne Faust, Astrid Wege, Bettina Steinbrügge, and Hannes Loichinger reflect on the cultural context of her work and present glimpses into her working method. An illustrated film chronology brings together most of the filmic work for the first time. Designed by Christoph Keller in close collaboration with the artist, this comprehensive monograph is a key to Faust’s complex and challenging work.
The publication is part of the series of artists’ projects edited by Christoph Keller.
Publication on the occasion of the exhibtions »Was ich gesehn hab, da sag ich nichts drauf« at ar/ge kunst, Bolzano June 7th – July 26th 2007 and »Die Woche des vollständigen Materials« at Halle für Kunst eV
(March 29th – May 11th, 2008)
German / English / Italian
ISBN: 978-3-905829-73-0
Hardcover, 148 x 210 mm
175 pages, b/w and coloured illustrations
30,00 / 24,00 EUR

Cooling out - On the Paradox of Feminism
Sabine Schaschl-Cooper
Bettina Steinbrügge
René Zechlin
Katy Deepwell
Sonja Eismann
Andrea Geyer
Toril Moi
Katharina Pühl
Sabine Schaschl-Cooper
Bettina Steinbrügge
Vera Tollmann
René Zechlin
How can a political or social movement create so many positive changes, while simultaneously developing negative connotations? Such is the central paradox of feminism for the editors of this book. The dwindling interest of students to continue an academic career after their studies has been called "cooling out" by Burton Clark. The collaborative exhibition project took this term to describe the disinterest of young women toward ideas and forms of feminism, resulting from a lack of palpable aims on the one hand, and the acceptance of existing structures on the other. The exhibition "Cooling Out" examined through the works of contemporary female and male artists the influences of the media, education, and existing social structures on the constitution of a gender identity. Presenting the complexity of influences on the constitution of a gender and social identity, and raising awareness of the potential problems, the publication further pursues the questions raised by the exhibitions, gathering texts by the curators and international authors such as Katy Deepwell, Sonja Eismann, Annie Fletcher, Andrea Geyer, Toril Moi, and Vera Tollmann.
Published in collaboration with Kunsthaus Baselland, Muttenz/Basel; Halle für Kunst, Lüneburg; and Lewis Glucksman Gallery, Cork on the occasion of the exhibition »Cooling Out – On the Paradox of Feminism« (2006)
German / English
ISBN: 978-3-905-770-83-4
Hardcover, 165 x 234 mm
272 pages,
b/w and coloured illustrations
30,00 / 24,00 EUR

Published by:
Halle für Kunst eV
Anthony Auerbach
BAK Utrecht
Christoph Behnke
Stephanie Bunk
Katharina Dohm
Raphal Grisey
Wiebke Grösch/Frank Metzger
Anke Haarmann
Peter Jap Lim
Klub Zwei
Achim Kobe
Pauline Kraneis
Ines Lechleitner
Zilla Leutenegger
Neue Review
Kerim Seiler
Ludwig Seyfarth
Florian Waldvogel
Ralf Weissleder
Nicole Wermers
Jan Kristian Wiemann
Florian Zeyfang
The concept of this publication was developed in cooperation with the following students of the Cultural Science department at the University of Lüneburg: Elisa Brandt, Anna Brinkmann, Christina Gatzert, Lena Kovac, Sandra Mischke, Annette Nino, Janina Reuter, Polina Stroganova
ISBN: 3-937577-33-5
Softcover, 147 x 210 mm
159 pages
b/w illustrations
12/10 EUR

Novella (Not yet another story)
Published by:
Halle für Kunst eV
Bettina Steinbrügge
Krist Gruijthuijsen
Publication on the occasion of the exhibition of the same title »NOVELLA (not yet another story)« at Halle für Kunst eV
(August 24th – October 6th, 2007)
ISBN: 978-3-86588-429-9
Heft 163 x 240 mm
62 pages
10,00 / 8,00 EUR

Everything will be fine - Alles wird gut
Sascha Kagan
Bettina Steinbrügge
Sascha Kagan
Lisa Mazza
Bettina Steinbrügge
Publication on the occasion of the exhibition »everything will be fine – alles wird gut« at Halle für Kunst eV (March 28th – April 15th, 2007) in the context of the ESA Arts Conference.
Booklet, 210 x 240 mm
52 pages
b/w and coloured illustrations
9,00 / 6,00 EUR

Dani Jakob
Von einem Land
Published by:
Halle für Kunst Lüneburg e.V.
Klaus Theweleit
Published on occasion of the exhibition „Paradise Opens Now“ at Halle für Kunst Lüneburg e.V.
(November 12, 2005 – January 22, 2006)
German / English
ISBN 978-3-940215-04-8
Softcover, 27 x 22 cm
48 pages, 41 coloured illustrations
20 EUR

Liz Craft
Liz Craft
Bettina Steinbrügge
Bruce Hainley
Heike Munder
Bettina Steinbrügge
Publication on the occasion of the exhibition »Liz Craft – Fantasy Architecture« at Halle für Kunst eV
(June 25th – August 13th 2006)
German / English
ISBN 10: 3-905770-10-5
ISBN 13: 978-3-905770-10-0
Hardcover, 170 x 235 mm
167 pages
coloured illustrations
25,00 / 21,00 EUR

The Need to Document
Vít Havranánek
Sabine Schaschl-Cooper
Bettina Steinbrügge
Zbynek Baladrán
Christoph Behnke
Pascale Cassagnau
Søren Grammel
Marina Grzinik
Vít Havranánek
Dóra Hegyi
Raimundas Malasauskas
Dorit Margreiter
Gerald Raunig
Sabine Schaschl-Cooper
Georg Schöllhammer
Claudia Spinelli
Bettina Steinbrügge
Hito Steyerl
Attila Torday-S.
Jan Verwoert
Gerhard Zarbock
The book "The Need to Document" attempts to make out the backgrounds leading to the turn towards documentation, as well as the thematic focuses and concerns associated with this new documentary stance. The interests of these documentary working methods in art remain reflectively close to the inherent laws of all known documentary channels, but additionally assert their own special features and logic.
Published on the occasion of the exhibition »The Need to Document« at Kunsthaus Baselland
(March 19th – May 1st 2005)
and at Halle für Kunst eV
(April 3rd – May 29th, 2005)
German / English
ISBN: 3-905701-30-8
171 x 235 mm
275 pages
b/w illustrations
30,00 / 26,00 EUR

Gastfreundschaft - Stipendienstätten und ihre Angebote
Halle für Kunst eV
Kerstin Niemann
Bettina Steinbrügge
Rosanne Altstatt
Anne Fietz
Anne Frühauf
Erik Hagoort
Bärbel Hartje
Elmar Hess
Ute Heuer
Felicitas Hoppe
Jean-Baptiste Joly
Gerd Harry Lybke
Rupprecht Matties
Jan-Holger Mauss
Bernd Milla
Kerstin Niemann
Thibaut de Ruyter
Bettina Sefkow
Jörge Siewert
Bettina Steinbrügge
Christoph Tannert
Maria Tuerlings
Jürgen Vorrath
Publication on the occassion of the 25th anniversary of Künstlerstätte Schloss Bleckede
ISBN: 3-86588-022-3
Hardcover, 173 x 245 mm
296 pages
coloured illustrations
25,00 / 20,00 EUR

Alex Villar, Katya Sander
And Other Double Binds
Published by: Halle für Kunst e. V.
Heike Munder
Bettina Steinbrügge
Katya Sander & Alex Villar
Publication on occasion of the exhibition „Katya Sander/Alex Villar: Temporary occupations and other double binds“ at Halle für Kunst e.V
(October 20 - December 20, 2017)
ISBN: 3-934823-97-1