Multitudes Special Issue
Published by:
Cneai = Chatou / Paris
Halle für Kunst Lüneburg
Kunstverein Harburger Bahnhof, Hamburg
With contributions by:
Nicolas Aiello
Henrique Antoun & Fàbio Malini
Bettina Atala
Bad Beuys Entertainment
Sylvie Boulanger
Pascale Cassagnau
Jean-Marc Chapoulie
Yves Citton
Lenka Clayton
A Constructed World
François Curlet & Sylvie Boulanger
Denicolai & Provoost
Simon Denny
Stefan Doepner, Marko Kosnik, Borut Savski & Britta Peters
Fabrice Hyber
Barbara Kruger
Ariel Kyrou
Pierre Leguillon
Éric Macé & Multitudes
Matthias Meyer
Matthias Michalka & Hannes Loichinger
John Miller
Yann Moulier Boutang
Joseph Nechvatal & Yves Citton
Paula Roush
Lynn Spigel
Nadim Vardag
Publication on the occasion of the cooperative project „CHANNEL TV“.
German / English / French
ISBN: 978-235480-079-6
Softcover, 155 x 210 mm
236 pages
b/w and coloured illustrations
15,00 / 18,00 EUR

Space Revised # 1-4
Eva Birkenstock
Stefanie Böttcher
Hannes Loichinger
Britta Peters
Tim Voss
Janneke de Vries
Roger Behrens
Eva Birkenstock
Stefanie Böttcher
Philip Gaißer
Hannes Loichinger
Britta Peters
Kerstin Stakemeier
Tim Voss
Janneke de Vries
Appropriation and loss of space, spatial deviations and social space are the four perspectives from which the cooperation project Space Revised # 1-4 looked at current positioning of recent artistic debates on space. In exhibitions initiated by GAK Gesellschaft für Aktuelle Kunst Bremen, Künstlerhaus Bremen, Halle für Kunst Lüneburg und Kunstverein Harburger Bahnhof space was not presented as an abstract container, but as a tangible phenomenon – a multilevel landscape, full of hills and valleys.
Artists: Guillaume Bijl, Cezary Bodzianowski, Bob Braine & Leslie C. Reed, Wolfgang Breuer, Trisha Brown, Yan Duyvendak, FLOSS/VHDG, Christian Haake, Elín Hansdóttir, Graham Hudson, Christian Jankowski, Thomas Kapielski, Guillaume Leblon, Daniel Maier-Reimer, Benoît Maire, Katrin Mayer, Rosalind Nashashibi, Erik Olofson, Peles Empire, Robert Pfaller, Falke Pisano, Kai Schiemenz, Guido van der Werve, John Wood & Paul Harrison and others.
This book is published on the occasion of the cooperation project by Halle für Kunst with GAK Gesellschaft für Aktuelle Kunst Bremen, Künstlerhaus Bremen and Kunstverein Harburger Bahnhof May – August, 2009 at argobooks, Berlin.
ISBN 978-3-941560-37-6
Softcover, 14 x 21 cm
216 pages, 103 coloured illustrations
22/18 EUR